The site administrator should edit views/pages/home.pug, then run "pm2 reload all" and "gulp html" to customise this page.
🔥 80 snak
🔥 84 its my birthday
🔥 15 i believe am having hppd
🔥 14 For the perfect legal high. Get drunk on...
/s4s/ - anime pillow fight4301429200
/archive/ - archive000149
/trash/ - trashbad threads go here... sometimes..000138
/cowe/ - coweland00046
Local Stats
There are currently 4 public boards, 6 in total. Sitewide, 33 posts have been made in the last day, 4 in the last hour, 35772 in total.
9156 files are being served, totaling 6.3GB.
jschan 0.11.4